Workplace Programme
Workplace Programme
Workplace Programme


Long-form program for workplace teams.


Businesses of all size have been through a storm like no other over the past 2 years. Whilst highly engaged digitally, 1/3 of remote workers felt disconnected from teammates and their organisation. Work culture, dynamics and relationships have shifted under workers feet. Such disconnections have contributed to a host of performance and wellbeing issues, even playing a role in the 'the great resignation'.

Looking Ahead

The hybrid model of work invites a new ways seeing and being in the workplace. It calls for emotionally agile leaders adept in role modelling and fostering 'connection'. Dynamic workers using and sharing information, to problem solve, collaborate and innovate in real time. Robust and trusting dynamics capable of weathering ever-changing storms from ever-changing locations.

Experts predict, that by integrating the ‘human experience’ into the workplace, organisations can better retain, nurture and maximise potential of their people. In doing so, they will fulfil workers core need for meaning, belonging, and connectedness in their lives.


Sync-In is a long-form programme which cultivates integrated and sustained change. The programme consists of variety of tailor-made learning workshops. The workshops are 'transformative', meaning they can create immediate attitudinal and cultural shifts. They are equally informative, equipping workers with the relevant theory to integrate learnings into the workplace of tomorrow.

Fostering psychologically safe, connected work climates will, according to research, result in diverse personal and collective benefits.

Programme Detail

Elevate potential by forging a healthy, connected work environment.
Face-to-face or online via Zoom.
In-person - 120 people. Online - 30 people.
Delivered over 3-6 months. Workshops lasts between 2-3 hours.

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"Organisations wanting to foster healthy climates require experiences that are 'emotional, sensory, and create aha moments."
McKinsey, 2021
Tony Griffin

"The businesses that create an environment for its people where those people can be themselves are the ones that are going to succeed. They will attract the best talent, they will retain them for longer and they will benefit from their contribution and loyalty. In my experience most businesses and the majority of leaders don't know how to create these environments. That is why the skillset and experience that Ronan brings is of such inherent importance to any organization that chooses to work with him. That is because he can accelerate the creation of the aforementioned cultural conditions that allow people to thrive individually and collectively. Ronan has over the last decade worked across elite sport, with young people and adults to hone a skill set that is very rare and highly valuable. If you are a smart leader and want the type of environment in which your people can thrive and do their best work then Ronan is the best investment you could possibly make."

Tony Griffin
Author and internationally renowned facilitator
George Kingston

"Ronan's session was like nothing any of the staff on the Global Business Solutions team here at Google had experienced before. Ronan seamlessly unlocked communication bottlenecks, and forged a genuine sense of team purpose and connection. The wider team left feeling refreshed, unified and optimistic. The overwhelming feedback was that this session was significantly impactful on a personal and professional level."

George Kingston
International Growth Program Manager, Google, Dublin
Jeremy Dooley

"I’ve been lucky enough to work with Ronan on several projects, and I always leave in awe of his abilities. Ro manages to balance a holistic and caring approach, with evidence and research to back up what he talks about.
He is a rare breed of facilitator that can deliver exceptionally high quality, impactful work right from day one. Ro draws on his experience working with youth to make his work engaging but is versed enough in business for it to be relevant to adults in the corporate and sporting arenas.

He captivates the rooms (or screens) with his facilitation, but somehow manages to make the participants the centre of all his work. A trait that takes incredible skill and years of hard work to successfully navigate.

Can’t speak highly enough of him; I am a better facilitator, and man, because of Ronan Conway."

Jeremy Dooley
Owner of Undertows Consultancy
Andy Farrell

"Ronan’s work with the Irish squad proved to be extremely valuable and worthwhile. He facilitated players to build stronger relationships, to be more open with each other, to show vulnerability, ask questions and be curious. This helped build an excellent environment."

Andy Farrell
Ireland Rugby, Head Coach


Who is this for?

Teams wanting to forge a healthy, connected and aligned work environment. Managers wanting a more meaningful experience for their staff.

How is this different to Huddle?

Sync-In is a more integrated, sustained approach spread over 2-3 months. With additional time, teams can address themes more thoroughly than in the one off engagement.

Is it wellbeing or team cohesion?

Both. Research tells us that connection enhancing our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. As the same time, connection galvanises and aligns people to cooperate and collaborate. The ‘Spiral of Connection’ (in the Huddle tab) which illustrates simply this symbiotic relationship.

What are the maximum number of participants?

In-person - 120 people. Online - 30 people.

More Programmes


One off workshop or 3 part Program

For who? Senior, mid-tier teams across all industries.

Duration - Delivered over 3-6 months. Workshops lasts between 2-3 hours.


- People enthusiastic to engage and take interpersonal risks with teammates.

- Individuals motivated to take responsibility, buy-in, and work for each other.

- Teams with greater collaboration, communication, and shared purpose.

- Elevated sense of ease, mental and emotional wellbeing.


One-off engaging talk.

For who? Town halls, annual conferences, or lunch & learns events.

Duration - The talk lasts between 1 and 2 hours.


- Aware of power of belonging and psychological safety.

- Stronger connection to the organisation and higher purpose of the work.

- Feel more connected to colleagues.

- Greater energy, motivation & commitment.

Luminary Leadership

3-5 part training program.

For who? CEO's, senior, mid-tier managers, leadership teams.

Duration - Each session is a half-day engagement.


- Individuals empowered with EQ skills, awareness & belief to lead authentically.

- Group to grasp the 'what, why, how' of fostering engaging team environments.

- Leaders who are firmly connected to personal values and company values.

- A group who serve as a robust, supportive network for each other.

  • Season-long journey of workshops.
  • For who? Teams wanting to foster a healthy, cohesive, high performance environment.
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  • One off workshop experience.
  • For who? Teams requiring a boost of connection, energy and alignment.
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Align & Flow

True connection can lead to mesmerising results.
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