Sport Programme
Sport Programme
Sport Programme


One time workshop for sports teams.

Lay of the Land

Sports teams are complex and ever-changing organisms. Throughout the season, teams experience periods of flow; times when 'things click' and when the machine is humming. Conversely, there are troughs, times when things feel stuck, stale, and disjointed. Then there is everything in between. To ensure the machine is well oiled and humming when it matters most, teams need to be tight-knit and willing to fight for teammates.

Looking Ahead

Rousing team talks and inspirational quotes on walls can inject a team with life, but the affect can be short lived. High performing teams venture beneath the surface to discover deeper meaning and bulletproof connection. Personal Disclosure, Mutual Sharing (PDMS) is a specially designed intervention for sports teams to engage in honest dialogue in a safe, purposeful manner. Researchers working with cricket and soccer teams discovered that PDMS gave teams an immediate reset, enhancing communication, closeness, and trust, empathy, group efficacy, and performance.


Basecamp is a one-off experience where teams can build a real connection. The workshop is a psychologically safe space where athletes can meaningfully reflect and interact with topics relating to sports and life. Players forge deeper relationships with teammates, their common purpose. In doing so, they bolster their own resilience by building their emotional intelligence and a sense of belonging to their tribe.

Workshops happen behind closed doors, but the following will give you a sense.

*It smells spirit.

Programme Detail

To build collective and individual resilience by forging deeper connection.
Between 5 and 50 people.
The workshop typically lasts for 2.5 hours.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

"A whole is greater than the sum of its parts"
Jack McCaffrey

"Having worked with Ronan over the course of 2 years, I would have no hesitation in recommending his programs to teams in any field. He took a group that was already quite successful and opened up room for improvement and growth that we probably didn’t realise was there. By connecting with each of us on an individual level, but never losing sight of our collective goals, his input was invaluable in unlocking our potential."

Jack McCaffrey
5 time All-Ireland winner with Dublin
Andy Farrell

"Ronan’s work with the Irish squad proved to be extremely valuable and worthwhile. He facilitated players to build stronger relationships, to be more open with each other, to show vulnerability, ask questions and be curious. This helped build an excellent environment."

Andy Farrell
Ireland Rugby, Head Coach
Declan Darcy

"I was fortunate to meet Ronan 3 years ago. Ronan was introduced to the Dublin Senior Football team in 2019. It was an extremely important year as the team were chasing history by becoming the first team to win 5 All Irelands in a row. Ronan’s part in formulating thoughts and discussions around the team's purpose and deeper meaning were hugely important to the team eventually achieving history. I have no doubt that Ronan’s work with the group was one of the key factors that allowed this group to perform at a higher level when the pressure was at its highest."

Declan Darcy
Dublin Senior Football Defence Coach (2012-2019)
Eoin Cadogan

"Winning teams achieve peak performance in a few ways. By players feeling ok enough to be themselves, having robust relationships with teammates, and understanding each-others 'why'. Ronan’s witty, authentic and direct style allowed us to deeply tune in to all of the above. It helped us to foster a culture of honesty and cohesion for the season ahead."

Eoin Cadogan
Cork Senior Hurler


What are the maximum number of participants?

60 people maximum.

What do we talk about in the workshop?

Once I gauge the team dynamic and what is needed - I will design a bespoke engagement. Workshop content generally focusses on both personal and sports related themes. Various big and small group exercises allow people to explore topics in a safe and structured fashion.

What if I want to do another workshop after the Basecamp?

Teams can continue on a bespoke program. After the Basecamp session, Ronan will liaise with management, and formulate a roadmap for subsequent engagements.

More Programmes


One off workshop or 3 part Program

For who? Senior, mid-tier teams across all industries.

Duration - Delivered over 3-6 months. Workshops lasts between 2-3 hours.


- People enthusiastic to engage and take interpersonal risks with teammates.

- Individuals motivated to take responsibility, buy-in, and work for each other.

- Teams with greater collaboration, communication, and shared purpose.

- Elevated sense of ease, mental and emotional wellbeing.


One-off engaging talk.

For who? Town halls, annual conferences, or lunch & learns events.

Duration - The talk lasts between 1 and 2 hours.


- Aware of power of belonging and psychological safety.

- Stronger connection to the organisation and higher purpose of the work.

- Feel more connected to colleagues.

- Greater energy, motivation & commitment.

Luminary Leadership

3-5 part training program.

For who? CEO's, senior, mid-tier managers, leadership teams.

Duration - Each session is a half-day engagement.


- Individuals empowered with EQ skills, awareness & belief to lead authentically.

- Group to grasp the 'what, why, how' of fostering engaging team environments.

- Leaders who are firmly connected to personal values and company values.

- A group who serve as a robust, supportive network for each other.

  • Season-long journey of workshops.
  • For who? Teams wanting to foster a healthy, cohesive, high performance environment.
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  • One off workshop experience.
  • For who? Teams requiring a boost of connection, energy and alignment.
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Align & Flow

True connection can lead to mesmerising results.
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